The King Clear Air Mini Make-Up Air Unit is designed to “make up” the air in your interior space that has been removed due to process exhaust fans. The building ventilation and the make-up air system work together to ensure the building pressure is maintained, while eliminating temperature fluctuations and a number of air quality issues. Clear Air Mini MAU preheats the incoming fresh air at the lowest cost, thus continuously providing comfortable ventilation throughout the building. Featuring a backwards-curve centrifugal blower, the Clear Air Mini combines a fan driven fully modulating electric heating unit with a fresh air relay logic control circuit providing an extremely versatile all-in-one packaged unit.
It is designed to work with HVAC equipment to provide indoor air quality into a return side or supply side of the ductwork system or alternatively directly into the building space.

- Packaged, All-In-One Make Up Air Solution
- Compact Design Fits Between Rafters & Joists
- Meets Building Codes Requiring 100% Outside Air Supply
- Tempered makeup air from 175 – 530 CFM @ 0.0" Static Pressure
- 1.5kW to 7.5W Models
- Available in 120V/208/240V - 1 & 3 Phase
- Proportional Thermostat For Fully Modulating Electric Heat (1°F Accuracy)
- Integrated Timer To Control Air Changes Per Hour (ACH)
- Wide Range of Field-Adjustable Settings of CFM, Temperature Rise & Static Pressure Configurations
- Included Duct Sensor For Precise Set Points
- Current Transformer Technology For Full Integration With Exhaust Systems
- Relay Logic Control Circuit Enabling Control of Other Make-Up Air Components
(Damper, Exhaust Fans, Outside Thermostat & Humidistat, Etc). - Horizontal Or Vertical Installation (not including downflow)
- Washable Merv 7 Air Filter (1" Thick) w/ Replaceable Carbon Filter
- Proudly Made in the USA with U.S. & Global Materials
- 3-Year Limited Warranty
Constant Comfortable Ventilation

Today’s airtight homes and offices beg for fresh air. Stale and humid air must be replaced by fresh air. During winter, the incoming fresh air is at too low a temperature to be comfortable and the Clear Air Mini Make Up Air Series preheats the incoming air to your preset temperature.
Now That’s Smart!
The Relay Logic Control Circuit Means It Is Easily Tailored To Any Application

Relay logic control circuit enabling control of other make-up air components (damper, exhaust fans, outside thermostat and humidistat, etc).
Now That’s Smart!

Engineering Specs
Engineering Specifications
Contractor shall furnish and install King Clear Air Mini Make-Up Air Unit manufactured by King Electrical Manufacturing.
Motor: Backwards-Curve Centrifugal Motor/Blower
Modulating Heat: 100% fully modulating heating control through Solid State Relay (SSR) technology. The SSR relays shall be mounted in the blower compartment to allow the free flow of incoming air to cool the heat sinks.
Duct Sensor: Clear Air shall be provided with a field installed duct sensor, type 2 NTC thermistor, 10K ohms.
Approvals: UL: Clear Air shall be Underwriters Laboratory (UL) approved and labeled.